HMT Series
- Automobiles
- Caps & Clousures
- Computer & Accessories
- Electrical & Electronics
- Engineering
- Food / Non Food Containers
- Household
- Medical Lab
- Pails
- Pet Preforms
- Pipe Fittings Irrigation
- Textile
- Thin Wall Moulding
- Writing Instrument Stationery
HMS Series
- Automobiles
- Battery Case
- Computer & Accessories
- Crates
- Engineering
- Furniture
- Household
- Pails
Robust, Reliable, Precise & Consistent Fully loaded machines with superior technology & unbeatable performance.
User friendly operation.
Large Tiebar spacing and generous specifications.
State-of-the-art quality through Strict quality control with all processes inhouse.
Competitive pricing advantage as we are the only company in India with all inhouse facilities including design, foundry, machine shop & fabrication.
FEA analysis of all critical components under extreme loads as well as fatigue loads to ensure a life of minimum 1 million cycles.
A green concept with low water & energy consumption.

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